Wellness Upgrades

Welcome to our All-Natural, Plant-Powered Wellness Upgrade Page!

Are you ready to take your well-being to the next level?

Look no further! I’m thrilled to introduce you to an array of all-natural, plant-powered wellness options that will revolutionize the way you approach every aspect of your daily life.
I firmly believe that nature has provided us with an abundance of resources to support our physical, mental, and emotional health. I am passionate about guiding you on a journey towards optimal well-being, harnessing the power of plants in the process.

My Young Living Story


I believe that true and meaningful health comes from a balance of holistic and allopathic medicine as well as a chemical free lifestyle. This belief is validated everyday in my home and the homes of those I have been able to support through Young Living.

When my youngest son was 18 months old, I turned around to find him drinking concentrated carpet cleaner! He did this right under my nose. This lead me to start asking myself “Why am I using products to “clean” with that are harmful to us?” So, my journey to a chemical free home began.

Since making the switch (which admittedly took some time) we have been healthier, we experience illness far less frequently and for much shorter periods of time,, the air quality in our home has significantly improved leading to less allergies and better sleep, and we have the tools that we can use daily to help support any system our bodies need on any given day. Not to mention the emotional support we receive by incorporating these products and techniques.


Getting Started With Essential Oils

Starting a wellness journey can be overwhelming sometimes. Let’s take that overwhelm away. This bundle is my all time favorite way to get started on this journey if Essential Oils are where you want to explore. This kit is made up of the most popular and versatile products that will keep you well from head to toe. In this box you will find everything from immune support to skin support and so much more! PLUS, once you order you become part of my family and I will be your resource moving forward to make sure you get the most out of every bottle.

Getting Started With Natural Cleaning

Are you looking for truly natural cleaning products? Products that will simplify your life and save you money that actually work? If you read my story above, you know that this is close to my heart and was my gateway into this plant powered life! The Thieves cleaning line doesn’t disappoint and it’s the ONLY cleaner you’ll ever need. No more will you have to buy and store different products for every surface. This 1 bottle does the trick!

Getting Started With Whole Body Nutrition

If I’m being honest, Ningxia Red was a product I didn’t even try for a whole year after I started exploring Young Living! Now, it is a daily staple for me and my family and the #1 way most of my customers get started. It’s as easy as drinking 1 -2 ounces per day of what I have lovingly named our “daily liquid multivitamin.” It is a habit that keeps us all in the best health of our lives and it tastes great too!

Women’s Health Wellness Box

Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or a corporate executive, you're one busy lady! True self-care, taking care of your mind, body and soul, is a necessity - not only for you but for those you love. When you take care of yourself, you can help care for others. Take care of yourself the right way with these healthy lifestyle favorites in the Women's Wellness box!

I don't know about you, but I need an easy button! One of my favorites is known as the Monthly Wellness Box. Simply choose an area of health to work on or a lifestyle need that fits your home and family, add the products to your subscription to earn Loyalty Rewards, and enjoy all the benefits of the amazing products you've chosen showing up on your doorstep each month!

Men’s Health Wellness Box

Let's face it, guys. We don't always take the best care of ourselves. We work hard and we play hard. Our bodies need all the help they can get, so take care of yours and keep your mojo working the way it should naturally with the Men's Health Wellness Box!

I don't know about you, but I need an easy button! One of my favorites is known as the Monthly Wellness Box. Simply choose an area of health to work on or a lifestyle need that fits your home and family, add the products to your subscription to earn Loyalty Rewards, and enjoy all the benefits of the amazing products you've chosen showing up on your doorstep each month!

Children’s Health Wellness Box

I don't know about you, but I need an easy button! One of my favorites is known as the Monthly Wellness Box. Simply choose an area of health to work on or a lifestyle need that fits your home and family, add the products to your subscription to earn Loyalty Rewards, and enjoy all the benefits of the amazing products you've chosen showing up on your doorstep each month!

We are the gatekeepers when it comes to the health of our families, and one of the easiest ways we can choose clean options is for our kids! These curated favorites help us give our children the love and care they need day and night and during all of life's bumps in the road.